Y.S.S. proud to bring Thai product tobe world no.1
Y.S.S. (Thailand)Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor ofmotorcycle and car suspension. For more than 33 years ofthe world class standard, Y.S.S. exports the product to more than 30 countriesaround the world. Y.S.S. is guaranteed by receiving the“ABE” standard from Federal Motor Vehicle andTransport Authority of Germany (KBA) which is one of a few brands in the worldto receive this standard.
Y.S.S. aims to be world number 1in “High Performance” shock absorber for motorcycle and scooter within 2019. Y.S.S.has R&D CENTER both in NETHERLANDS and THAILAND to provide wide range ofproduct covers 86 vehicle brands, more than 1,500 vehicle models. We have been investedand developed the Management Information System (MIS), both the ERP system andCRM in order to link the database between internal and external. The opening ofour 2nd factory comes with new advance machine to increase theproduction capacity to serve our customer in Europe, America, Australia, Asia,and Japan more than 10,000 dealers and 30 service centers. We have excellentafter-sales service to deal with all customer concerns which allow us to servecustomer quickly and properly.
With the challenging goals, we arelooking for the dynamic candidates who are capable, enthusiastic, motivated,and willing to work as a team to grow together with us in the followingposition