Elementary Teacher
โรงเรียนสาธิตนานาชาติทวิภาษาแห่งมหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต เชียงใหม่09/02/2025
1 - 3 ปี
Homeroom subject teaching:
1. English: 5 lessons a week; Cambridge Guide and Learner books provided
2. Mathematics: 5 lessons a week; Cambridge Guide and Learner books provided
3. Science: 4 lessons a week; Cambridge Guide and Learner books provided and 1 STEM lesson a week in the STEM lab.
4.Global Perspectives: Cambridge online material provided
5. Homeroom: 1 lesson a week, alternate between whole school assemblies and class rewards.
6. Daily morning Homeroom periods for taking attendance and going over reminders and routines.
7. Library/Reading: 2 lessons a week, 1 in class and 1 in the library
For the Cambridge subjects you will collaborate with other Year group teacher(s) for lesson planning, resources and sharing ideas. All lesson plans should be uploaded on a Friday, by 5:00pm. At SIBS all planning and resources are submitted on the Primary Drive Folder, ensuring that it is accessible to all teachers at all time
We send messages home 3 times a week on curriculum progression, give feedback and include Educational links for home revision, through the school hub - EduPage and CLassDojo as applicable.
Classdojo posts should include: picture feedback of what the students are learning in class.
Homework assignments are set, communicated and sent home on a Monday and returned on a Friday.
Holistic Education:
At SIBS we value all aspects of a child’s development. As a homeroom teacher you are responsible for their academic progression and feedback to parents through continued evaluation. Pastoral care during class; breaks and lunch, with the support of a class assistant in Year 1 and 2, and language teachers for Year 3 - 6 at lunch times to ensure safeguarding of students at all times.
• Bachelor of Arts, Education or related field
• At least 1 year of teaching experience
• Have a teaching license
• Expert in English communication
• Have good interpersonal and management skills
• Have a passion for child development in this field.
- Education discounts for children
- กองทุนสำรองเลี้ยงชีพ
- ทำงานสัปดาห์ละ 5 วัน
- ประกันสังคม
- ประกันสุขภาพ
- ประกันอุบัติเหตุ

Satit International Bilingual School of Rangsit University Chiangmai provides an International Bilingual Curriculum which meets local and international educational standards doubling their future through fluency in Bilingualism. At SBS Chiangmai, we enable students to fulfil their academic potential and develop essential life skills to become caring, honest and considerate global citizens.
Satit International Bilingual School of Rangsit University Chiangmai shall be the best recognized International Bilingual School in Thailand, providing a world class quality student-centred international education.
Our Values
Teaching and Learning: SIBS follows a model of student-centred process-based teaching. Teachers understand that their role is as a facilitator of learning.
Academic Quality / Rigour: SBS Chiangmai offers academically challenging programmes that are balanced and meet both the standards of the Thai Ministry of Education and the expectations of challenging programmes of international education. Assessment of student performance will be authentic and rigorous.
Learner Development: SBS Chiangmai Students are encouraged to ask questions. The school develops inquiring, knowledgeable and caring individuals who are confident, responsible, reflective and engaged. Students are expected to be confident in the use of two or more languages.
Diversity and Personal Responsibility: At SBS Chiangmai, local (Thai) and global perspectives are included throughout the curriculum and other school activities in order to “encourage students to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people with their differences, can also be right” and that everyone shares the responsibility for our planet.
Satit International Bilingual School of Rangsit University Chiangmai provides an International Bilingual Curriculum which meets local and international educational standards doubling their future through fluency in Bilingualism. At SBS Chiangmai, we enable students to fulfil their academic potential and develop essential life skills to become caring, honest and considerate global citizens.
Satit International Bilingual School of Rangsit University Chiangmai shall be the best recognized International Bilingual School in Thailand, providing a world class quality student-centred international education.
Our Values
Teaching and Learning: SIBS follows a model of student-centred process-based teaching. Teachers understand that their role is as a facilitator of learning.
Academic Quality / Rigour: SBS Chiangmai offers academically challenging programmes that are balanced and meet both the standards of the Thai Ministry of Education and the expectations of challenging programmes of international education. Assessment of student performance will be authentic and rigorous.
Learner Development: SBS Chiangmai Students are encouraged to ask questions. The school develops inquiring, knowledgeable and caring individuals who are confident, responsible, reflective and engaged. Students are expected to be confident in the use of two or more languages.
Diversity and Personal Responsibility: At SBS Chiangmai, local (Thai) and global perspectives are included throughout the curriculum and other school activities in order to “encourage students to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people with their differences, can also be right” and that everyone shares the responsibility for our planet.
ที่อยู่225/900 หมู่ที่ 11 ตำบลบ้านแหวน อำเภอหางดง จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ 50230
ตำแหน่งงานอื่น ๆ ที่น่าสนใจ
หางานสมัครงานหางาน โรงเรียนสาธิตนานาชาติทวิภาษาแห่งมหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต เชียงใหม่หางาน การศึกษา / การฝึกอบรมหางาน กำแพงเพชรหางาน ตากหางาน นครสวรรค์หางาน น่านหางาน พะเยาหางาน พิจิตรหางาน พิษณุโลกหางาน ลำปางหางาน ลำพูนหางาน สุโขทัยหางาน อุตรดิตถ์หางาน อุทัยธานีหางาน เชียงรายหางาน เชียงใหม่หางาน เพชรบูรณ์หางาน แพร่หางาน แม่ฮ่องสอน