เกี่ยวกับบริษัทAt Far East Fame Line DDB PLC., we believe in work-life balance. We commit to create a work environment where people would like to turn up in the morning every day, where people can work with less stress, where they can rest and relax, where they can read good books, play pools or games, or do whatever they like to get good inspiration, because often in such a place original and fresh ideas can be generated. We strive for being a “Happy Workplace” for all staffs.
ที่อยู่465/1-467 Si Ayutthaya Road, Thung Phyathai, Ratcha Thewi, Bangkok 10400
ชื่อผู้ติดต่อKhun Pantep
โทรศัพท์0-2354-3333 Fax 0-2644-3618